A strong missionary effort thus marked the early testimony at Bras Basah. Over the decades many opportunities were seized to bring the Gospel to the local population, through open-air preaching, tract distribution, visits to houses, prisons, leper colonies and hospitals. Weekly Gospel meetings were faithfully held at Bethesda and in addition, missionaries traversed the Malayan Peninsula and Siam unceasingly, often on bicycles, to preach the Lord Jesus Christ.
Throughout the early 1900s, a strong testimony for the Lord was maintained at Bras Basah Road. In 1932 an extension of the work took place when a new Gospel Hall was erected at the eastern coastal district of Katong. By this time, ministry and Gospel meetings were often held in English, Malay and Chinese. The Katong work was especially noted for its work among the Malay-speaking Straits Chinese who populated the area.